Wednesday, August 3, 2011


For certain values of done, anyway. Last night I finished the beading. In case anybody has been following the saga of the beading needles on Facebook, the final coda to the whole silly thing was discovering last night that the beading needles I'd bought explicitly for the purpose are too big for the pearls. *facepalm* I had once again misplaced the needle I'd been using, so the final product is a bit heavier on beads as opposed to pearls than originally intended. However, the good news is that I found my original needle eventually and was able to apply a couple more rounds of peacock pearls, and it's not like the pearls aren't fabulous. Mmmm tiger's eye and gold beads...

Tonight, along with a bit of official business, I will be getting together with Katja so we can do the layout and get the orphery applied, and send the whole thing off to Pennsic. We're hoping to be able to send it by courier rather than having to resort to mail, but it'll get there one way or another...

I'm hoping somebody will post pictures of the final result, because I'm convinced it's going to be great. If so, I'll either post them or a link.

Oh, and just in case this week needed any more deadlines, I ended up doing my very first calligraphy project last night for court tonight. Whee!

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