Monday, August 15, 2011


Having finished the beading project and sent it off, I have been having the slow realization that I do actually want to get back to knitting after a fallow period in that arena. I discovered that I had a Blackberry Ridge sock kit in the stash. (I could've sworn it was leftovers from Mom, but she says she's never seen it before in her life.)

I made it through the first six inches, aka the pattern at the top of the sock, and then realized that the yarn is going to produce a really warm sock which isn't washable, and maybe I really wanted to make mitts instead.

So I decided to take the stripe sequence from the foot, and made mitts instead. It didn't go completely smoothly - I learned that I don't especially enjoy dealing with stripes and after a few attempts, it's still a bit baggy around the thumb, but it fits well, and I really like how it looks.

But I've got a lot of mitts because I like making them and can only use so many, so there's a limit to how likely I am to use them extensively. I'm toying with the idea of putting it in the Weaver's Guild Fiber Fair. However, there's always the question of copyright when selling one's work. I absolutely admit that my mitt is based heavily on the original kit. The first six inches are made exactly according to the pattern. On the other hand, I ended up with an entirely different category of finished object. So now I'm curious as to exactly how much deviation from the original there needs to be before it's reasonable to consider it something else. I don't know that I care enough to look into it especially, but I find the question kind of interesting.

And once I'm done with the other mitt - I really must finish both before I allow myself to start something else - I have finally given in and bought yarn for the Hwaet! socks that I've been eyeing for months, so I finally bought the pattern, along with the pattern for Lalique.

Side note, not related to fiber: I've also dabbled in calligraphy lately, and completed my first scroll text for Thalhurst so that we could get his scroll to him before he left on 8/4. It's becoming pretty clear that this is a skill that it's worthwhile for me to cultivate, so I would guess this won't be the last time. hard to believe that was two weeks ago already. Funny how time flies when you're on vacation...

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